Here are some pics and an explanation of the GJ tube...
At least 80 percent of all lung transplant patients end up with a GJ tube. The primary reason is that we don't want to reflux into the brand new lungs. I learned today that when my lungs are transplanted they attach the new trachea to my old trachea. When that happens, my swallowing reflexes will be different. Apparently I won't have a gag reflex any more so it will be very difficult to tell if I have inhaled food or liquid... They also want to see if, when I swallow, I keep the food in my stomach or if it comes back up into the esophagus and lungs. That isn't good. So...most people have a feeding tube for at least a while.
Below is a close up of the tube. It has three branches: The gastric (G) opening; The (J) something and the Balloon opening. All meds go into the G opening which sends stuff directly to the stomach. All food stuff goes into the J opening which sends stuff directly to the small intestine. The Balloon opening creates a small balloon in the tubing after it is inserted so that the tube doesn't easily pull out.
The tube is surgically inserted in my abdomen right over my stomach. The long tube goes into my stomach. It has inner, smaller tubes. The first (outer) layer is the balloon layer. This layer is only long enough to reach the inside of my abdominal wall where the little balloon will be blown up to hold it in place. Yes, someone asked if the balloon will be deflated upon removal of the tube and the answer, pleasingly, is yes it will.
From the abdominal wall into the stomach there is a two-layer tube and the out layer is now the gastric, or stomach layer with holes that will allow "stuff" - mostly medicine - to filter directly into the stomach to be consumed by all those acids and other good things - it's sort of like a cylindrical drainer.
From the stomach on into the small intestine is now just the one tube that is connected to the "J" opening. It too has little holes for the "food" (and I use that term loosely!!!) to filter into the small intestine. The food has to be dripped VERY slowly into the tube because the small intestine can not break it down like the stomach does. Lots of food equals lots of poop! Sounds fun so far!!!
This is Lee showing where the tube is intserted into the stomach. It has a small ring type cover that "screws" on to help protect the hole that is made in my abdomen. It usually doesn't get infected and crusty so not to worry!
These tubes have stuff going into them so, like any tubing, they could get clogged. To eliminate that, the lines need to be flushed six times a day (sort of like a fuel line in a car). To flush them, caretaker takes a giant syringe (shown below) and fills up a certain amount of water (warm - not cold) and shoots the water into the line to flush it out. We need to do this on the G and the J openings. Below is a pic of Lee practicing.
Oh, I forgot to mention...these lines have caps on them and when they are not being filled, they need to be capped or have the line kinked. The nurse said that was to make sure that my stomach contents didn't come spewing out of the tube (stand back!).

I am making light of this but I know it's really necessary and it really doesn't look as hard as it seems. I know that between the three of us, it will be fine!
Now for today's really started Friday night. I was getting ready for bed and noticed that my cheeks were really red. I thought it was unusual but who cares when you are really tired.
I got up Saturday morning and noticed that I had a rash on my chest and upper back. It didn't itch so I went about my business. Saturday night I noticed that my face was swollen and I still had the rash. It didn't itch and I could swallow fine so off to bed.
Well, Sunday morning (today) I woke up and my eye was almost swollen shut and my face and neck were all swollen. Lee provided the comic relief my telling me that:
- I had chipmunk cheeks
- I had a pig nose
- I had a wart hog neck
- I had squinty eyes
All in all, I was quite a pretty picture. Oh darn, i should have taken a pic of that look! So, after I finished making the burp cloths and bibs that are due to Emma Jane's Children's Store tomorrow, I called the transplant coordinator and explained what was happening.
Short to the ER for evaluation. It seems that I may have developed an allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was taking. They said it might be due to the rituximab I'm taking to kill my antibodies -- it lowers my immune system and goofs things up. They pumped me full of IV benedryl, IV something else, and IV steroids. It made me sleepy, dizzy and buff (love those steroids :-)
We sure got to the ER at the right time. There was only one person ahead of me and we got in within a half hour. The nurse said that the "after church crowd" would be arriving soon. Sure enough. When we left around 5:30 the waiting room had more people in it. If you've ever been to the ER at UC Davis Med Center then I can say that Duke doesn't even come close to the number of people waiting!
Any way, the drugs reduced the swelling (it's coming back now but they said to expect that) and got rid of a lot of the redness. I need to take new medicine for the next couple of weeks. The docs said that this will NOT have an impact on transplant. I'm glad about that because I was pretty concerned that it might.
That's it for last week. This week I have another go around of the chemo drug for the antibodies (rituximbab) on Wednesday and I think that's it. I'll write again soon.
Love to all,
Lee, Wendy and Missy